Internal Logistics
Challenges Facing the Industry
An example of how we work is when we partnered with a processing company for potted plants. Snijders developed a sorting system based on barcode scanning during this time.
Our services involved:
- Describing the electrical functional design in a way that all involved can understand and act on.
- Engineering and writing industrial software.
- Production of the low voltage operating cabinets.
- Commissioning and cabling on-site, taking the hassle of cable management away from them.
- Integration of the barcode scanning with an ejection system.
Another way we put our work into action was for an existing production line in the vegetable processing industry. For this, we also gave advice relating to safety. This partnership resulted in better working conditions and a safer working situation.
Our work included the following:
- Advice on improving the current power control of the vegetable processing line.
- Implementation of our recommended electrical system changes into the existing system.
- The new electrical operating system was assessed and transferred to the client’s technical department.
Food Processing and Agriculture
Snijders has implemented numerous low voltage and industrial automation solutions for processing companies and end-users in the food processing industry and agricultural industry. Together with our original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), we have installed electrical systems worldwide, regularly delivering low voltage power systems to the food processing industry.
Through our work in this industry, we have extensive expertise in the field of hazard analysis and critical control point regulations. Such regulations ensure that biological, chemical, and physical hazards are reduced as much as possible to guarantee a safe food product. Our low- voltage systems are manufactured in line with UL and NEN/IEC-standards, making sure that we can demonstrate safety, security, and deliver quality. We are a reliable partner for food processing and agricultural business operation worldwide.
Working with Snijders
The solutions we provide are based on optimizing processes and improving the overall system efficiency. We help to process information like the necessary capacity and the KPIs associated with the client’s needs. We work together to keep things simple and easy to understand so that all associated engineers and teams can be kept up to date hassle-free.
Our service team is available 24/7 to support these electrical systems and automation solutions based on remote access.